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Medijstvo je komunikacija z onstranstvom, z mrtvimi in  je stara oblika prakse, ki so jo dokumentirali že v zgodnji človeški zgodovini in se je skozi stoletja razširila po vsem svetu.

S pomočjo medija  pridobite informacije in sporočila preminulih svojcev, ki vam pomagajo pri žalovanju.


Kako poteka medijstvo?

Medijsko srečanje poteka v prijetnem vzdušju, v obliki pogovora, v katerem vam pokojnik predaja informacije, ki jih razumete in prepoznate.


We all have a story to share. Here's an opportunity to tell website visitors more about you and how this site came to be. Click to begin editing and make it your own.


We all have a story to share. Here's an opportunity to tell website visitors more about you and how this site came to be. Click to begin editing and make it your own.


We all have a story to share. Here's an opportunity to tell website visitors more about you and how this site came to be. Click to begin editing and make it your own.



We all have a story to share. Here's an opportunity to tell website visitors more about you and how this site came to be. Click to begin editing and make it your own.


We all have a story to share. Here's an opportunity to tell website visitors more about you and how this site came to be. Click to begin editing and make it your own.


We all have a story to share. Here's an opportunity to tell website visitors more about you and how this site came to be. Click to begin editing and make it your own.

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